Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Day After Christmas


The Day After Christmas

with Apologies to

Clement C. Moore

Twas the day after Christmas

and all through the house,

Not a creature was helping,

not friends, kids, or spouse

The stockings hung limp like dirty old socks,

and looked down on a room filled with box after box.

The children went home and were snug in their beds

Beloved was hunting with ducks in his head.

And I in my sweat pants with broom in my hand

had just settled in to “deChristmas” the land

But to my amazement what did appear?

New zest for my mission; I kicked into gear

with quick bursts of power like a well-oiled machine

I knew in a moment; must be the caffeine.

More rapid than Tiger running from Elan

I gathered momentum and quick made a bee line

Now mantel! now stairway!

Now trees and the door!

Out holly! out glitter!

Out cookies galore!

To the top of the house, at the end of the hall!

Now put away boxes

Dash away all!

So up to the attic,

(this is hardly a cinch)

I make myself wonder

Am I really the Grinch?

And then in a twinkling , I heard at the door

the children and husband.

They’ve come back for more.

But they heard me exclaim as I ran from their sight

Better get takeout; No dinner tonight!

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas. I did (really :)! I will be joining Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday. Click on the MM button on the sidebar for some real transformations!


  1. Love your poem! :-) Mine would be put away if I didn't have the gang again today. I need to get off the computer and get something done.
    Have a great week.

  2. What a fabulous poem, but I wouldn't dream of taking everything down until after 12th night.

  3. Sounds just like my dad. He was ready to take down the tree yesterday, and we had to beg him off a few days. Happy New Year! Stan

  4. I am with you on this one. I took everything down the 26th. Happy New Year!

  5. What a funny little poem -- I think I'll take everything apart slowly - bit by bit. But you must have wonderful satisfaction to see everything packed up and back to normal again.

  6. Oh no, not until 12th night. Loved the poem! xx

  7. By Friday morning, I felt like the Little Red Hen! Our decorations will be up for my niece's visit home from India on the 8th. I may take a few things down before if I get the energy. Fibro is rearing its ugly head these days!

  8. Love your poem!!! very cute!!!

  9. This is great! How apt for how I feel right now too.

  10. Great poem. So are you going to sharing all the undecorating on MM?

    About the pant suit era. I had a really hard time finding a "going away" suit to change into after the wedding. Not sure about how you did it in Mississippi, but in Arkansas, we didn't leave in our wedding clothes.

    Anyway, all I could find were pant suits. I finally found a dress with a jacket, but I still wasn't happy with it.

  11. What a cute poem! So now I know what I'll need - CAFFEINE! And lots of it. Thanks for sharing. Rosie

  12. ~WOW!!! Suasan this is so clever and funny! You are very talented my friend.

    Happy New Year! ~Melissa :)

  13. Great poem! I smiled all the way through. :)

    Don't blame you a bit. Hubby and I took our's down today too! It was getting on my nerves and now it all fresh and clean!

  14. You didn't really take it down already??? Is that a custom in the South??
    I don't know anyone here who does that...all the New Year's pics have the tree in the background..We don't take ours down till the 6th..3 Kings Day..
    Hope you had a great Christmas..
    Let's see..what's next??
    Mardi Gras and Valentine's the same week!

  15. Love the poem! I leave mine up until after the New Year -- there is somehting about the decorations -- the tree, the greens on the mantle -- in this, the quiet week between Christmas and New Year's -- you can enjoy it without the hustle and bustle of the rest of December!

  16. Very cute poem. I am not putting mine away yet cause I am having a party on the 2nd, which was postponed from the 23rd since I got sick. I hope you continue to enjoy the holiday season, Susan!...Christine

  17. I love the poem. It makes me smile. I will probably begin packing my Christmas decorations away tomorrow.

  18. cute poem. I was so late getting the tree up and decorated this year, that sucker is staying up for awhile yet! LOL

  19. I love the poem! I took everything down too... my son's birthday is a couple of days after Christmas, so I want to seperate them!

  20. Loved the post, I won't be doing any of that until after New Years Eve, it's kind of a tradition, I think it is because enjoying it longer somehow makes it worth all the work, but i have to say i do envy you having it all done is a lovely thought....Love your writing as usual, Happy New year.....phyllis

  21. Great poem! I'm going to enjoy the Christmas trees and decorations until New Years though. I want to savor this a bit longer.
    It must be a good feeling though to have it all packed away for the year. It is a huge job!
    Thanks again for hosting the Deck the Halls Party. It's been great fun.
    Happy New Year! ~ Sarah

  22. Cute! I'm ready to declutter myself. I think I want things completely clean off...I'm ready for some simplicity!

  23. oh this is so amazing! I love the poem, and it is so true.

  24. Cute poem! I am ready to clean it out. Some of the comments talked about January, but in the south the tree has to come down before New Year's Day! Linda

  25. Today, you are my number one favorite woman!!!!! I started putting things away this morning and everyone is looking at me like I must have lost my mind. I think better in a clutter free zone, so I will be following your lead. Your prose was very appreciated.
    ♥, Susan

  26. Love the poem and how well I can relate! Seems all the decorating and undecorating falls on the moms of this world. I love decorating but the taking down can be a drag. It all looks so clean and fresh when it's done though:>)

  27. Oh, Susan! What a hoot! I am laughing out loud! I'll leave mine up until New Years Day...then take it down after black-eyed peas and collard greens! lol Happy week!...Debbie

  28. Do you really have the energy to take all the decorations down the day after Christmas? We don't have a tree anymore but when we did I think I liked it the most after Christmas, late at night with the lights of the tree the only ones on in the whole house, the snow falling and the romance of the whole thing, but then again we didn't put it up till the weekend before Christmas which used to drive my kids nuts!!! Very Fun Poem! Blessings Meg

  29. Cute poem! I can just picture you bustling about the house, broom and storage boxes in hand!

    Very cute and clever!

  30. you said it!!! LOL! Oh Susan, I would have had mine down a month ago! I don't know why - but I really wasn't feeling the decor in the house this year. Maybe next year will be better? So glad I stopped by! Check in sometime ...

  31. LOLLOLLLOL...too funny! But when Christmas is over IT'S OVER and time to get the house back into shape.

  32. Hi, loved your poem! Hope you and your family had the best Christmas ever.

    Happy New Year!

  33. Susan, your syntax and rhyme, not to mention your wit, are perfection! You did Mr. Moore proud!

    Loved this... and yes, I had a wonderful Christmas. So glad you did, too!


    Sheila :-)

  34. We will be watching the Liberty Bowl from the warmth of our den. Our son and family will be flying back to B'ham from Seattle on Friday, so they will join us before driving back to Savannah on Sunday.

    Will you be in Dallas? We were there in 2000 when we beat Texas. It was a fun time.

  35. Hi Susan, cute poem.. Ours is down as well.. just a few things outside left to do. Have to wait for the snow to stop falling long enough to get out there and get it put away.Thank you for swinging by yesterday with your well wishes. With Mr.P's illness he didn't remember the day.. bitter sweet... hugs to you my friend..~lynne~

  36. we have our annual New years Eve Party so everything stays up until after that..and than it will take a week to take everything down and get it all packed and put away..

  37. I love the poem! I just took my tree down yesterday (New Year's Day). I'm packing up the last remaining decorations--kind of sad and yet I'm glad to have the home back to 'normal'. Happy New Year!

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