Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tablescape Thursday and The Run for the Roses

Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Wordless Wednesday

Monday, April 27, 2009
Three or More Tuesday and Thoughts on Weddings
Tam at The Gypsy's Corner graciously hosts Three or More Tuesday each week. Many of you share things you collect...plates, family heirlooms, plants, and sometimes even children or pets. My offering today is a little nontraditional. If you have read my blog more than once you probably know that I am dead in the middle of planning a wedding for our one and only daughter. Not only that, but, having three children in their twenties, Beloved and I are invited to a lot of weddings....I mean A LOT of weddings. What started this whole idea was cutting these three roses to put on a bedside table. The red rose, so perfect and beautiful, has long been the symbol of love. These three roses got me to thinking about some things I've learned and some observations I've made during the whole planning and attending process. If you are like me and have been involved recently in planning or attending weddings, you may have noticed some of the same things!
There was a time when the only requirement for a successful wedding reception was that the punch and the mints matched the exact shade of the bridesmaids' gowns. Life was simple-- pink gowns, pink punch. Green gowns, lime sherbet punch. This is definitely no longer the case! The trend is stations--carving, pasta, and seafood. Then there are ethnic stations--Mexican with margaritas, Italian with wine, sushi with Saki, barbecue with beer, you name it! And my favorite are sendoff stations--milk and cookies, Advil and bottled water, or jelly beans and chocolates.
- There should be a law requiring anyone, especially vendors, who receives a telephone call containing the words "my daughter" and "wedding" be required to return that call within a twenty four hour time period.
- Mother of the bride dresses can be very tricky. In my search I found that unless I was very careful, the dresses often fell into one of three categories: 1. old 2. trampy 3. old tramp. Somebody should tell these designer we mothers don't have any desire to upstage the bride, but neither do we wish to look as if we have never watched the red carpet arrivals!
- The nicety of replying to invitations is an almost dead tradition. RSVP has become a meaningless addition to invitations in most cases.
- Tissue paper in formal wedding invitations has outlived its original use and is now used only to torment the poor person left to assemble the invitation--me! It does not slide easily and will wrinkle, crease, and tear at the drop of a hat!
- We have a new dirty word our house--favor. Beloved who has been a real trooper throughout this entire process went temporarily insane when we were pondering what favor we should buy for the guests as a memento of the event. I can't really repeat what he said, but we got the impression he thought they were unnecessary. We're still having them; we just renamed them.
- Finally, this is probably one of the best and most exciting times of our lives and if we're lucky, we'll live to tell about it!
Now head over to Tam's at http://gypsycorner.blogspot.com/ and see a some great collections of three or more!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hound Dogs and Strawberry Pie

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Tribute to Erma

Sunday, April 19, 2009
A Metamorphosis and Blue Monday
To this:
Okay, so you got me. I did not transform that ugly blue recliner into this last chair. BUT I made it happen. Beloved brought the recliner home from his mother's house. Ever-hopeful and an optimist at heart, he thought I might let him put it in a guest room so he would have a recliner to call his own. Now we've been married a long time and I know when to bide my time and how to pick my battles. Sweetly, I "allowed" it into the house. A year later, he's never sat in it, has gotten over his need to keep it, and it's "outta here"! I have had this antique recliner sitting in my attic for many years. I used it at one time, but it has just been collecting dust for quite a while. I got it down, dusted it off, and went on a fabric hunt. I knew the exact shade of blue and exactly what I wanted which sometimes makes the search even harder! Five fabric stores, two months, and a great upholsterer later this is what the chair looks like now. I love it! The blue stripes fit into my guest bedroom rennovation perfectly. And yes, that is blue painter's tape you see in the background! I hope by next Monday I can unveil the entire bedroom, but for now head over to Susan's at http://www.betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/ for Metamorphosis Monday and give Sally a visit at http://smilingsally.blogspot.com/ for Blue Monday. And,oh yes, be sure to keep your husband off of Craigslist. I gave the recliner to my son and he posted it for sale!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Legally Blonde

Becky Gulvig plays Elle Woods whose only desire is to become Mrs. Warner Huntington III. After being dumped for a more suitable, serious (read stuffy, dull) type, Elle heads off to Harvard to prove herself worthy. The music is entertaining, but not memorable. The choreography is another story!! I don't know when I've enjoyed anything any more! And yes, Bruiser, the chihuahua plays a key role in his little pink wardrobe . It's a fun story of triumph for blondes and all women everywhere. If you get the chance to see it, I don't think you'll be disappointed. Now head over to see what Beverly at http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/my_weblog/ has waiting to share with you. She and a lots of your friend have lots of PINK going on!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Target Birds Invite You
After the ceremony we'll be off for a few more days. We love birds deserve a honeymoon! We work so hard gracing all those tables! So we are off to the Canary Islands. We love you but we're leaving you with one final message:
Lots of other Target birds have been out on adventure this week. You can find out what they've been doing with Susan at http://www.betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/
Monday, April 13, 2009
Three or More..What's on Your Bedside Table?
The devotional is Experiencing God Day by Day by Richard and Henry Blackaby. I am beginning my third year in a row with this book . Like the Bible, I find something new in it each time I read and appropriate for different times and circumstances in my life. True Evil is a novel by an author I love, Greg Iles. Iles grew up in Natchez Mississippi and writes about people I understand and places I know. The Bride's Book of Etiquette is my working manual now that we are planning my daughter's wedding. It's helpful, but not much has really changed since Amy Vanderbuilt advised me almost thirty two years ago. Bunny Williams's An Affair with a House is providing me with much needed time to daydream and bask in beauty created by others. That's my collection of Three or More things sitting on my bedside table. Join our hostess Tam at http://gypsycorner.blogspot.com/ and see some other collections and let me know: What's on your bedside table?
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Pear Bunny Salad
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
All "Set" for Easter

We'll be eating in the dining room on Sunday around one or two in the afternoon. The children (who, of course, aren't really children at all), a couple of friends, and the son-in-law -to- be will join us.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Met Monday and Digging in the Dirt
One more little thing I wanted to show you. This is a hellebores, commonly called a Lenten rose because of the time of year it blooms. Although mine is green, others bloom pink, mauve, and yellow. Another variety, the Christmas rose, blooms in December.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Mississippi Mud Cake
Mississippi Mud Cake
1 cup chopped pecans, toasted 1 cup butter, 4 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour ,1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa 4 large eggs ,1 tsp. vanilla extract, 1 bag miniature marshmallows , and chocolate Frosting
Microwave butter and semisweet chocolate in a large glass bowl on high for one minute or until the chocolate is melted. Stir frequently to avoid burning. Whisk sugar and next five ingredients into chocolate mixture. Pour batter and spread in a greased 9x13 cake pan. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for twenty minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle marshmallows evenly over the cake. Return to oven and bake 8-10 minutes more or until the marshmallows are lightly browned. Drizzle warm cake with chocolate frosting and sprinkle with toasted pecans.
Chocolate Frosting
1/2 cup butter 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa ,1/3 or more cup of milk, 1 (16 oz.) package confectioner's sugar, 1 tsp. vanilla extract
Mix and melt first three ingredients in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until slightly thickened (about two minutes). Remove from heat and beat in confectioner's sugar. You may add more milk if the frosting is too thick. The leftover icing is great on ice cream! I know you'll want to join our host Gollum for Foodie Friday and see what else is cooking. Click on the button and join in the fun!