Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Wordless Wednesday....Red,White, and Blue

A Reunion and Celebrity Author

Sam, who was actually a fraternity brother of my husband, sang in our wedding. (Don't you love the ruffled tuxedo shirt and Farrah Fawcett hairstyle?) But it was Sam and I who shared the same interests. For two years we co-produced the Miss University (MS) pageant and he eventually came to entertain at the state pageant in my home town. We watched old movies in the bottom of the fraternity house. When it came time for me to practice teach, I went to his hometown to be mentored by his mother's best friend and his high school English teacher. Sam moved to the big city and eventually became head of television for the William Morris Agency and agent to many superstars.

I thought I would link this to Diane at A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words--For me and my friends, this is definitely the second time around! Visit Diane at http://diane1876.blogspot.com/ for more encore performances!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Metamorphosis Monday....Wedding Day

Here is the bride and her bridesmaids before the wedding. Do you see that sunshine coming through the window?
We headed to the zoo after the wedding. All I can say is that it looked like Disneyland to me. Candles around the reflecting pool and a few soft lights...the band playing thanks to a generator! About one hour into reception, the bride and groom came to me. They said it was all perfect. They never knew we were on generators!
Beloved and I are no longer just parents--we've morphed in to "in laws"! And the final "tranformation as if by magic" is complete and "the house fell not, because it was built upon a rock".
From now on, Beloved and I will share our Sunshine
Thank you so much for letting me share this. I hope you will zip over to see Susan at http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/. I promise, next week I am back to decorating and planting!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Pink Saturday..Bridesmaid Bouquet

One thing I love about Beverly at How Sweet the Sound--she's consistent. No matter what is going on, I know that Pink Saturday will be ready for me and SO many others to join in and peek into on Saturday. Thanks Beverly! We're glad we can count on you!

If you read thoughtsfromovertherainbow at all, you probably know we have recently had a wedding. Our one and only daughter got married two weeks ago! These are the bridesmaids' bouquets filled with pink roses, white roses, green hydrangeas and bells of Ireland. I do not know why the picture is so small!

Here are two of the bridesmaids in the church before the wedding. You can see the bouquets just a little better. The dresses were a beautiful shantung silk in a color called "mermaid". Our daughter has always loved pastels. She's a pink kind of girl! Someone remarked that it looked like a Lily Pulitzer wedding, but that was not our intention. We just used the bride's favorite colors. Now I thought that once the wedding was over, I could put my feet up (or my body on a raft in the pool) and get back back Blogland on a more regular basis. Wrong! The past two weeks have been a blur of moving the bride in 100 degree weather into her new home, sorting and returning duplicate gifts, and transforming the house from a bachelor pad into a nest for two. I'm not complaining---they will still live just on the other side of town!
Thanks again to Beverly at http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com/ for letting us into her pink world each Pink Saturday . Now click and see what everyone else has to offer!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Foodie Friday...Salmon Two Ways

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Outdoor Wednesday and a Porch and Patio Party

I was really late getting my bedding plants in this year. Later than usual cool weather, frequent trips out of town, and wedding plans got in my way. The one thing I could not let slide was planting my pots! I love pot gardening! It is such an easy way to incorporate lots of different colors and textures into your outdoor living space. Another thing I love is the wide variety of plants and flowers it allows me. Most of my beds are shady, but I can move pots around to accomodate the needs of almost any plant. Another advantage is that I can try out new plants without as much labor or financial investment as flower beds require.
This is a very large pot filled each year with a tree form hibiscus. Unfortunately, hibiscus will not live year-round here. They are too big to move, so I am forced to replace it each year. I do keep variegated monkey grass (lariope) in year-round as a grassy backdrop and the variegated trailing ivy lives from season to season. I experimented this year for the first time with angelonia. That is the blueish purple plant as the base of the hibiscus. It is surrounded by pink and green polka dots and the green and white polka dots. Of course, these do not bloom, but the foliage makes a colorful and impressive show. Hot pink impatiens and dark leaf begonias with white blooms are also tucked in. With pots, I think the more, the better! I always add a trailing plant and sweet potato vine with either the green or dark leaf does well. Be careful; it will trail all over your patio or deck!
You may remember my 10 dollar flower boxes from Big Lots. The geraniums, verbena and impatiens have really taken off. I do have to make sure the impatiens gets enough water since this usually gets a lot of sun.
In the middle of all the wedding plans, Beloved decided we should completely "redo" the deck furniture. I have plans to show all of it to you later, but I wanted you to see this pot of caladiums. I love the red stripes of the leaves with my new cushions!
This wicker chair has been more colors than I care to remember---ahhh, the magic of spray paint! A good friend found this cute red polka dot pot and thought it was perfect for my deck. I think so too!

Now head on over to visit Susan at A Southern Daydreamer and Barb at Grits and Glamour! I know there is a lot more to see!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Metamorphosis Monday..Gift Buckets

Our daughter's wedding is this Saturday...We are down to the wire with just a few details left to take care of before the big day! One of our last things on this now-dwindling list of things to do (thank goodness!) is a gift basket for out of town guests. Our groom is not "from around these parts" as they say, so we are expecting a considerable number of guests to drive or fly here. We wanted to thank them for coming, welcome them to our city, and make their stay just a little more comfortable. One day I found these little buckets on the dollar aisle at Target--I just love that aisle! We purchased a split of champagne (just right for a toast for two), some assorted crackers, and the bride's favorite- peanut M&M's. Memphis is known for its barbeque. We wanted something uniquely "Memphis" for our guests and our caterer, a world-class "pit-master", just happened to have written a little book on barbeque. Off to Hobby Lobby for yet another roll of ribbon, and we were in the bucket business!
The bride and groom composed a personal note of thanks, a list of their favorite places to hang out or eat, and some tourist attractions. Of course, Graceland is on there--thank you very much(she said with an Elvis accent :) We printed directions to the church from the hotel on the back. Our matron of honor came to help fulfill her duties and a couple of hours later we were done!
We made about forty of these based on hotel reservations. Thank you all for indulging me and sharing this happy time with me! I promise NO MORE WEDDING!---after the pictures, of course :) Susan has some expert advice on how to create those large pictures and tweak your own blog. Visit her and all our creative friends at http://betweennapsontheporch.blogspot.com/ Wish us luck!!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Pink Saturday--The Pink Palace Museum